Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gen 16
Your timing is perfect. I've said this so often, but I think its my life's quote, "It's all about God's timing." Not only do You have a definite will, but You always have a definite time. We get ourselves unto trouble as Christians when we try to manipulate Your timing. Good things done in the wrong time bring frustration and consequences. Such was the case with Sarah. She knew your will was for Abraham to be the father if a great nation, but since your timing was slow in her eyes, she provided Abraham with Haggar.
Lord, I feel I am in the same boat as Sarah was, but I have tried to learn from her mistakes by learning to be patient with Your timing. Here in the last few weeks, I feel like I've started to see the pieces of the puzzle come together, miraculously. And the only way all that can be explained is You. Lord, work Your will and Your timing! I love it when You put it altogether!