Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jer 6-9
Abba You are the King of metaphors...literally. LOL I noticed some great ones tonight while reading. "Break up your fallow gorund" Whata perfect pictire of our hearts. I think of my garden (actually it's more of a weed bed) it's pretty dispicable. It's so overgrown with weeds...it really needs an overhaul of the ground broken up. It's a breeding ground for weeds due to the root system its lavished underneath the soil. If I tried to plant something nre to grow, I'm sure the weeds would choke it out. So true with my christian life. I can try to implement something good, but if my heart is not prepared to "grow" it--little cahnce there will be of it taking root. Abba help me to weed out and clean up to put good things in.
Another metaphor kinda similar "circumcize the foreskin of your heart". I understand now why circumcision was important in the life of the Jew. It was a picture to say he was open and clean. Foreskin I think of as a barrier...a coating that keeps things out, but it should not be that way with my heart and the Lord. Abba, here is my heart...take it help it to be open and receptive of whatever You want.

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