Monday, May 11, 2009

Behaving Yourself Wisely

I fell off the bandwagon this past weekend, but I'm back. It's a new week. Amen!
1 Samuel 18-20
Saul is beginning his vengence against David. Because of his own pride, he wishes to destroy David. But instead of returning evil for evil, David returns evil with good. David could have rightfully defended himself. He probably could have even fought against Saul and killed him, but over and over the Bible mentions..."He behaved himself wisely." Not he gave into his temper and emotions like Saul did. Rage is the result of festered anger that is rooted in bitterness and envy. Saul let his emotions consume him, no longer was he seeking God's will or even thinking rationally. All of his time, his energy was set on destroyind David.
I think of David's incredible sorrow he must have felt. Here he had given his life and loyalty to Saul, and because of his obedience to him it made Saul jealous. David was completely undeserving of Saul's rage. I'm sure David loved Saul deeply, and I know how much it deeply hurts when you love someone, and they not only don't love you back but seek your hurt and destruction.
Why did God let David go through such a trial? Why couldn't it have been an easy transition into him being king? It was through this trial that so many of the Psalms are written that bring comfort to so many. I personally appreciate the revealed "humanity" of David in the Bible. He hurt just like I hurt. He loved like I love. He felt angry and jilted just like I do sometimes. It's through these unjust times in my life that I cling to my Abba the most---Understanding that it's His will that I pass through a fire to refine me.

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