Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rats! I can't remember the exact chapters I read Samuel somewhere and I chronicles 17 ...since I am reading chronologically it skips around.
anyway... I read about David and his dancing...his linen ephod and how michal despised hinder for doing such. The Bible even says "he danced with all his might." Maybe I am just revealing my humanity but that presents a very funny pic in my mind. He probably did look like an idiot out there, but it says that he danced before the Lord. Funny I should read this after sitting through an hour of a "christian" dance recital. After leaving there Jon and I discusses the seeming hypocrisy of such a thing. The music wasn't God honoring and the dancers didn't seem too glorifying in their apparel. I have learned though that good well meaning people are dance instructors and dancers themselves, but I wonder what the difference was in David's dancing and what we saw today? I think it was David's intentions, his reason for was joy, excitement...not a memorized routine. In fact, He probably looked like a crazy man out there by Michal's account. That is what she was probably most embarrassed about...not that he was dancing, but that he seemed a little "overboard" for Jesus. Abba, I guess this lesson has taught me to not to become afraid of looking a little overboard myself. It seems those who were serious in prayer and worship were accused of looking drunk. Help me to get a little drunk in the Holy Spirit and not care what others think, too.

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